Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jack Jack Day 5

Our first family photo. Complete with I.V.'s and everything.
This kid LOVES his Dad. He only stares like this at Joe. Do ya like Jack's HUGE double chin?
Jack just chillin' in his "crib".
Jack had a busy day today. He had his MRI/MRA done today at 9am. They had to sedate him for the exam and he slept the rest of the day until we fed him at 5pm. Don't worry he didn't starve he's on TPN which means he gets his "cheeseburgers" through his I.V.. This afternoon we got the results from the MRI/MRA. The neurologist said that he had a blood clot in his right temporal lobe of the brain and that it bled behind the blockage. The good news is is that where it happened is not a vital part of the brain. It controls his left arm and hand. He's been checked out and tested by the neurologist many times and she can't find anything wrong with his motor skills or his reflexes. He moves both arms the same. She said that it takes time to see a disability, if there's going to be one, and to start lookig for differences in his strength between the arms at about 6 months of age. If there is a big difference than we would do another MRI. If not than at one year old.


The Lunds said...

I'm glad that they didn't find anything too serious. Sounds like Jack will probably be just fine. He might just have to be right handed! No biggie! He is so cute and I love the way he looks at his Daddy. Melts your heart. He is so mellow just chillin in his little crib, hooked up to the IV's. We can't wait to see you guys again!

The Gardners said...

It is so perfectly adorable the way Jack was holding Joe's face...too precious. I'm glad you guys are getting some answers and I hope you can bring him home soon. You look great by the way!

Mcknight Clan said...

Wow, He is beautiful. I can't stop crying! I am so happy everything is ok. He looks so awesome, chunky and yummy! Our prayers are with you and God Bless. You seem like you are doing well, I would love to bring you dinner or something. Let me know when things settle what we can do. Give him a big kiss from us all. We miss you! Love, The McKnights