Monday, October 13, 2008

Jack Day 4

A proud Grama. Today was a good day. They put off doing the MRI/MRA until tomorrow. That ment we could play with him all day.
They also allowed him to start eating today. It was soooo funny because he was so excited to eat that while he was eating he forgot to BREATHE!!!!! SOOO funny!
Little Buddy
Daddy feeding him. He's gained 2 oz since he'sbeen there.


Andrea and Justin said...

He is so cute! We are so happy for you guys. We know how it feels to not bring your baby home right away and it is the worst. You guys are in our prayers.

The Lunds said...

That is great that he is gaining weight already! He is so cute. I love his expression when he is sleeping. It's the same in every picture.

The Gardners said...

I'm so glad to hear he's doing so well!! He is just beautiful and I can't wait to see him in person!

Unknown said...

Megan, I just stumbled upon your blog today through the Gardners blog. I didn't know you even had your baby! That's awful that Jack is still in the hospital - but it's good news that he's getting better. I know things are crazy but please let me know if you need anything - seriously at least let me make you guys dinner. If you have time, you can call or text me to let me know what day is good for me to drop off dinner and I'll keep checking your blog for updates. - Sheree Phung 706-2680.

Jessica said...

Hey guys,
just wanted to let you know we've been praying like crazy for that cute little guy! We are so happy he is getting better and we hope you can get him home soon! Love you!