Thursday, October 23, 2008

"Elvis" has left the building!!!!

He is HOME!!! We got the ol' boot yesterday around 4 pm. During rounds the doctor said he could go home. It took us 6 hours to go through all the paper work and passing things off to go home. Oh, and a hearing test.
He LOVES, LOVES, LOVES his swing. The nurses found him one to use next to his hospital crib and he sure loved that one too.

Doing his car seat test. He ended up being in it for twice the amount of time because they did his hearing test in it as well. The first hour he was awake and looking around, the second half he just slept and slept. I guess he doesn't mind his car seat. Vacations here we come!!

He also likes to hang out under his play mat and look at all the cool stuff that hangs.

Needless to say we are ecstatic to have our little boy home. Thanks to everyone who helped us during these two hard weeks.
He is still going to have to have his platelets drawn every 2 days. His pediatrician is 3 minutes from our house and that's where we'll do it. Once a week he'll need a transfusion, so we'll have to go back to Primary's for that. We also have to follow up with neurology with an another MRI for his brain bleed in November. We are so blessed to have him and cherish every second!!


The Gardners said...

I can't believe it!!! CONGRATULATIONS! You both have been so strong through this whole ordeal and I am so impressed by your commitment to Lil Jack. What a lucky guy to have you both as parents. I'm so thrilled that he is home and healthy! Let me know when we have to green light to come and meet him! I can't wait!

The Lunds said...

Oh good. I am so glad to see that he is home. What a relief for you guys I am sure. That is extremely nice to have his pediatrician so close to home. We want to come see the little guy sometime soon. Let us know if you need anything still.

The Lunds said...

By the way, that is about the cutest swing I have ever seen. No wonder Jack loves it!

Meredith said...

I'm coming to see you guys as soon as I get better! I'm thrilled for you 2! Congrats and hopefully you get a calmer baby experience from here on out.

Two and a Crew! said...

Yeah, Jack is home. I am so glad to hear he is home and doing well. Please let us know if you need anything, anything at all! We can't wait to meet the little man!

Papaw said...

You can see who the Master of the House is. Welcome home, JT. I can see from the picture of him in his carseat throne that he is thinking "It's GOOD to be the King". Now for more important business, what are you going to be for Halloween???? perhaps.....Dracula?!?!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy Megan and Joe! what a wild ride it sounds like you two- well three- have been on. So exciting to be able to take him home. Have so much fun with him. He looks like an angel!

Sally Barrington said...

We are So Excited that Jack gets to come Home!!!!! He looks so great. I'm so proud of you two for being so brave and positive in this time of not so funness. Let us know when it's time for visitting!!! We can't wait to meet him!!! Lots of love Shawn and Sally

Anonymous said...

Yay!! Glad to hear he's home!