I can't figure out how to get the pictures you want in a certain order. I wanted the Halloween ones first. Oh well! This was Jack getting another transfusion on Thursday. We did it in the hematology/oncology clinic in
Primary's. Very sad place. There was a 6 year old getting infused with her chemo and on the other side of us was a 17 year old getting platelets and a blood transfusion because her chemo treatments made her anemic. Jack was a super star that day! It took 3 tries to get an IV started and he cried so hard that he slept the rest of the day (6 hours).
Jack sleeping in his car seat waiting for lab results. He's
soooo cute! And his cheeks keep getting bigger and bigger.
Grampa holding his boys. Cohen is Jack's cousin who is 5 months old. He was a bat for Halloween but pooped on his costume. So he just came as a Sumo Wrestler!!! J/K! He so chubby! Jack was not happy about his costume and
every time I put him in it he would poop. So I don't have many pics of him in it.
Our first Halloween as parents. If you couldn't tell, Jack REALLY likes his
1 comment:
Very cut jack- o - lantern if I dont say so myself!!!!! What a cute little dude, kinda looks like me:)
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