Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Busy Busy

Jack had his follow up neurology appointment yesterday. We will be scheduling him for another MRI of the bleed that was in his brain. She checked him out and said he looks good so far, but with these kinds of bleeds, strokes, blood clots, whatever you want to call it, you wont see the effects of it until they start using that side of the brain. But I still think he will be just fine.
Still loves his binki.......and so do I.

He went in to the RTU again Monday for another infusion. He looked especially cute that day. He's starting to grow out of his newborn stuff and into his big boy stuff....super cute!!


The Lunds said...

Ahhh, he does look so cute. I am a big fan of the binky but am still not sure how to yank it from the 2 year old! I hope everything is still going okay. As soon as my little guy is born I want to take a picture of all the babies that have been born in our little area with their diapers and santa hats. I hope Jack can come!

Kara said...

MEGAN! Hey so I found your blog from Andrea's and I must say that Jack is so so stinking cute! Congratulations! Poor little guy having a rough start, but I am sure he will be just fine. We still miss you guys and wish you were right next door for a sonic slushy!

Sally Barrington said...

Jack is getting so Big! I love to look at his pictures. Shawn is still sad he didn't get to play with jack. so we need to set up a play date some time for our boys to play!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jackie pants! Remember when I held and fed you? I want to do it again!!