Friday, September 19, 2008

In Labor (kind of)

Lately I've been having fainting spells and I've lost some weight. So I called my doctor this morning and told them all my symptoms and they told me to go to Alta View hospital and be admitted to Labor and Delivery to be monitored and have some non-stress tests done. So I drove myself there and got admitted. They hooked me up to the machines and I hung out for about half an hour. In the mean time Joe had come from work and my parents were there too. After being monitored for a short time the nurse came in and said that I was having contractions every 2 minutes. I said, "oh that's what a contraction feels like, well I've been having those all week". Pretty funny I didn't know what a contraction felt like until someone told me. So they checked me and I was 50% effaced and dilated to a 1. So they had me walk the halls with Joe and then they checked me an hour later and no change in my cervix. So they sent me home and said if my water breaks or the contractions get so bad I can't stand, then to come back. So I'm kinda in labor and kinda not! We'll see. But I think he'll come some time this weekend. Oh, and I'm only 36.5 weeks along!! Yikes!!!!


The Lunds said...

Whahoo! Only a couple days and he is full term. He'll be just fine. That is super exciting. Good luck and call me if you need anything. Especially a ride. Don't you try to do anything crazy!

Wendy said...

Sounds like its getting exciting. I always get so anxious once I am 36 weeks. I was sent home from the hospital twice with this last pregancy (at 37 weeks). That false labor stuff is so hard and emotional. In the end I ended up having to be induced. Crazy. Good Luck. I am sure everything will go great. BTW: I got Jack a cute little outfit last week. :)